Define rules to automatically trigger based on telemetries received from devices.

The rules are automatically executed every time a new telemetry is processed. The server will combine the telemetry with the previous device's state and run all the rules on the new combined state.
If the rule "matches" the state, the system will mark it internally as a detected issue. If no Incident is yet created for the same issue for a device, a new Incident will be created and the End Customer notified of the problem.
To add a rule, click the "Add New Rule" button on the top right.

- Name - User friendly name of the issue the rule will generate.
- Description - Detailed description to help End Customers diagnose the problem.
- Priority - Importance/impact of the incident.
- Active - Enable/Disable the rule.
- Rule Definitions - A list of "All" or/and "Any" rules. Each defining which telemetry key to check, what the type of the telemetry is and what condition should happen for the rule to match.

Errors Section
Contains a log of all JSON errors in strings sent/received.
Use this log to investigate and gather information on issues arising from device telemetry.
Helpful for troubleshooting configured rules that fail to trigger.
Updated 3 months ago