Organizations, as customers, possess access to the customer portal. Within this portal, they have the capability to claim devices and remotely perform configurations and monitoring processes.

Upon clicking the "Create Customer" button and entering the necessary information, a branded welcome email containing a password reset link is automatically sent to every added customer, facilitating access upon completion.


Details for the customer

After the creation of a customer account, they gain the ability to claim and oversee devices. As a manufacturer, you possess the capability to allocate devices to customers, provide remote support, and establish a connection between their account and a Managed Service Provider (MSP).

When onboarding a new customer, there is a provision to provide administrative privileges to the newly added user for the partners' portal.

Create new customers - video tutorial

This video demonstrates the two ways to create a new customer.

Lab Accounts

For testing purposes, utilize this environment as a sandbox to simulate interactions from both the MSP’s and customer’s perspectives. This allows you to explore and test various functions within a demo, non-live setting. Additionally, you can simulate the process of purchasing digital products without the necessity of entering actual credit card details and more.

To access the lab, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Customers in the system.
  2. Locate your Lab account.
  3. Click the "Visit Portal" button next to your Lab account.
  4. This will direct you to the portal associated with your Lab account.



Note: All models created (even unpublished units) will be visible in the lab environment, allowing you to test them before actually making them available to MSPs/customers.


Products Purchasing

When you use the Lab account, no credit card details are required to make purchases. This makes it easy to test your digital products. On successful purchase, a “test charged” message will appear when you click “Pay.”