
28 May 2024 - Added current_time to Get License API

A new field current_time has been added to the responce from Get License API containing the current time on the server. The field can be used to verify the time on the device is near the server time, as the server time is used as base for epxires_at.


17 Apr 2024 - Added Delete Device API

Added new Delete Device API allowing devices to "self delete" to handle cases where a device is being transferred between owners and new owner having admin access into the device but old owner has yet to delete it from their cloud.


31 Oct 2023 - Upgraded Get / Set Config APIs

The configuration related APIs have been updated starting from Device Model version 1.5.


29 Oct 2023 - Deprected the "message" field from Send Telemetry API

Deprecated the message field previously available in Send Telemetry.


4 June 2023 - Added new API: Get All Incidents

We have added the APO to Get All Incidents of the specific device. The response is an array of multiple objects.


1 May 2023 - Added new 'Set Cloud Settings' API

We are excited to announce the addition of a new API that enables users to set up different cloud settings for their devices. With this new API, you can easily customize the cloud settings for each device according to your specific needs.


11 Apr 2023 - Added a new GET LICENSE API

A new Get License API has been added to the Device APIs that, allows a device to get one license update request at a time.


30 Mar 2023 - Added support for passing error message in telemetries

A new field message has been added to the Telemetry API to allow devices to signal the server what caused them to move to the error state.


30 Mar 2023 - Added sub_model to Update Device API

Added support for devices to update their sub_model via the Update Device.

8 Jan 2023 - Rename nano_id to cloud_id

Change the somewhat confusing "nano_id" field to be called "cloud_id" - an unique identifier created by each device to identify it with the server.