Device Integration

Frequently asked Questions

How can I re-register a device that has gone through a factory reset?

The replace device documentation can be found here

Offline detection

Each device has a last_seenproperty, which is updated on any API communication received from the device (telemetries, command completion, etc). An automatic process runs every 30 seconds to check if any device's last_seen timestamp exceeds the "Offline detection threshold" set in the Device Model Configuration (If enabled).

When an offline threshold is exceeded, an automatic Incident is created on the device, which will be automatically closed as soon as the device resumes communications.

Sending commands from Partner Portal

This feature is disabled for Partner to ensure End Customer security. A Partner can request one (or more) of their users to be added to the End Customer Portal and be able to login and execute commands on all accessible devices.

Widget data when devices are offline

Xyte automatically saves the "last state" when a device goes offline. During offline state, Widgets will display data from the "last state" and a banner notifying the user of this, is displayed at the top.

Device API rate limiting

Device rate limiting is according to the commercial plan set between the Partner and Xyte and is calculated for every 30 seconds. Exceeding the rate limit will cause the APIs to return the 429 Too Many Requests response until the rate limiting engine detects the device allowed to send requests again.

All requests are counted towards the limit.