Get Config


Use the hub_url received in the registration response as your base URL.


This API requires the device to authenticate, see Device Authentication.

Get the latest device configuration from the server.

After getting the configuration, the device should apply it and save its version number locally.

Return Data

NameTypeDescriptionModel API Version
versionintegerVersion of the configuration1.0.1+
last_updatedstringUTC date when the configuration was last updated1.0.1+
configjsonOther JSON fields making up the configuration1.0.1+
namestringDevice's name1.0.1+
device_idstringDevice ID1.0.7+

This API was upgraded at version 1.0.5, documentation for the previous option is available here: Get Config (pre 1.0.5)

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!